Through my involvement with People Unlimited, I’ve become the joyful, confident person I was born to be. I feel passion for my life and the life of others.
I came to Scottsdale, Arizona 7 years ago. I was a professional person from Venezuela, a hydrology engineer. I’m a strong person, but certain experiences had traumatized me and left me with fear and insecurities.
After hearing Bernadeane, Jim Strole and Charles Brown, of People Unlimited, speak on physical immortality and attending People Unlimited events in Scottsdale, I felt in my body, "This is the life I want."
My movement involved large and profound changes, including a new culture, language, and customs. But I have continued to change and grow since then. Change is not a one-time thing; this is a day to day movement. I do not know what life will bring me tomorrow, but what I do know is that I am ready and confident in myself.
I am very grateful to Bernie, Jim and Chuck, for their clarity, passion, sweetness, inspiration and life movement. I am grateful also to all the people and for the life we are building together.